The treasure shudders: the remains are buried with 3,500 pieces of jewels ​

A relic that is both an ancient tomb and an incredible treasure has been excavated in Greece over the past 5 years with thousands of pieces of gold and silver jewelry, armor, weapons… revealed one after another.
The excavation was led by two archaeologists, also husband and wife, Jack Davis and Sharon Stoker from the University of Cincinnati (USA), with the goal of uncovering the mysteries of the ancient city of Pylos.

Excavation scene of “death treasure” – photo provided by the research team

In that ancient ruin, they found that “death treasure”. Initial analysis results showed that the remains in the tomb were of an ancient Greek warrior, buried in reverence with many treasures. The number of antiques found is increasing day by day and has reached 3,500 items. It can be said that he was almost buried in treasure, not soil.

A large gold necklace was exposed in the grave – photo provided by the research team

They include a lot of weapons, armor, jewelry and other artifacts made of gold and silver, precious stones… Many are intricately carved and have historical value, so they are worth much more than the amount of gold. mold them.

There are also some bronze items in the grave, because the time this man was buried was in the Bronze Age here, around 1450 BC.

An exquisitely decorated golden comb – photo provided by the research team

According to Dr. James Wright, Director of the American School of Classical Studies in Athens, the ancient tomb lies “at the center of the relationship between continental culture and the higher culture of Crete”. The tomb can provide many valuable clues about how the Greeks created their brilliant, ahead-of-time civilization 3,500 years ago.

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