Lost Treasure of the Northern Oregon Coast – Neahkahnie Mountain GOLD ​

Oregon Coast Treasure at Neahkahnie Mountain

For many treasure hunters, having first-hand information can help find hidden gems that have been elusive for hundreds of years. The northern Oregon coast is full of legends, but one story in particular has survived generations of Native Americans living around Nehalem Bay. While profound questions about the treasure’s true location still exist, the hunt and determination to find it persists and has even inspired works of art, including the 2006 film The Tillamook Treasure.

Northern Oregon Coast

The picturesque Oregon Coast combines the natural beauty of lush forests, pristine beaches and stunning vistas of rolling mountains. Behind all this is the story of a lost fortune, hidden deep in the mountains, capturing the imagination of generations of locals, treasure seekers and adventurers from all walks of life. social class.

This mysterious tale of hidden treasure is not only filled with mystery and adventure, but is also set in the majestic rugged cliffs of Mount Neahkahnie. Overlooking US Highway 101, the mountain is located north of Manzanita in Oswald West State Park, Tillamook County. The scenic hillsides offer sweeping views of the Oregon Coast including Neahkahnie Beach, Nehalem Bay, and the nearby town of Manzanita.

Part of the North Oregon Coast Range, Neahkahnie Mountain’s west face features steep cliffs that rise above the relentless waves of the Pacific Ocean, while its steep slopes are equally treacherous. The upper slopes of the mountain are covered with a dense forest high above native grasslands and shrubs, completing the perfect location to hide a treasure.

Spain Connection

During the 1600s, Spanish galleons (sail ships used for trading) regularly crossed the Pacific between Mexico and its colonies in the Philippines. These ships transported Spanish goods to the colonies and brought back gold, silver, pearls, spices, and other foreign goods to mainland Spain. The ships that sailed from Manila to Acapulco were called Manila galleons. These ships usually land on the southern California coast but some of them have reached the Oregon coast.

Several treasure ships of the Manila galleon were lost at sea during that period. Spanish records show that at least 33 ships did not reach their destination. Evidence of these shipwrecks has appeared over time in the form of beeswax clumps along the beach on the slopes of Neahkahnie Mountain – this evidence is most likely from the Beeswax shipwreck related to the Santo Cristo de Burgos, a Spanish galleon that carried valuable wax remains. Manila in 1693.

The Lost Treasure of Neahkahnie Mountain

According to legend, the panoramic view of Mount Neahkahnie is a veil that hides buried treasures, stored for hundreds of years and waiting to be discovered by today’s treasure hunters. Oral tradition has passed down this enduring story consistently, cementing Neahkahnie’s reputation as a treasure-finding hotspot of Northern Oregon.

It all started in the 1600s when Spanish galleons crossed the Pacific to trade and avoid capture by pirates and other foreign privateers. One such ship, laden with riches and possibly caught in a storm or part of a pirate gang, reached the Oregon coast. The ship was anchored or ran aground offshore near Neahkahnie Mountain. The occupants rowed ashore in boats and climbed Neahkahnie Mountain. Men carried a heavy chest believed to contain gold and other precious items to the top of the headland in front of curious natives.

The men dug a deep hole on the side of the mountain and buried the chest. However, they became increasingly concerned that the natives might steal the treasure. One of the men drew his sword and killed a black man – most likely an African slave – and then buried the dead man on his chest. This was apparently done with the understanding that native culture forbids disturbing a man’s grave.

Satisfied that the natives did not dare dig up graves and that their treasure was therefore safe, the men left with the hope of returning one day and reclaiming their precious cargo. Despite some details that have emerged to describe the final part of the story (some versions describe a strange incident where the captain shot dead crew members who did not fit into the ship’s longboat before setting sail), what is certain: is that the men never returned to retrieve their cache, making Mount Neahkahnie and its nearby beaches one of the top treasure hunting locations in the state.

“Mountain of a thousand holes”

In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Neahkahnie Mountain experienced intense treasure hunting that ravaged its slopes. The arrival of British expeditions in the 1800s brought tourists as well as European settlers, who fueled the hunt for hidden treasures as stories of the legend spread. spread among newcomers. By the end of the twentieth century, activities on the mountain and in its vicinity had reached their peak.
​Despite all these efforts, no treasure was found on the mountain. Stories of treasure that fascinated travelers led to the use of modern equipment to dig deep holes and trenches through mountains. With digging everywhere, this cape is known as the “mountain of a thousand holes”.

Modern-day Neahkahnie Mountain

The hunt for hidden treasure on Neahkahnie Mountain has gone through many ups and downs over the centuries. The use of rough maps and engraved stones has so far failed to determine the true location of the treasure. Modern equipment and countless holes dug through the mountain were fruitless, but the spirit of exploration persisted.

Stories from local tribes have provided tantalizing hints and added mystery, inspiring a whole generation of treasure hunters searching for hidden fortunes. These stories, embedded in local folklore, have countless variations that some hunters claim are deliberately complicated to deceive them.

The devastation witnessed on Mount Neahkahnie was unprecedented with haphazard digging leaving abandoned holes and trenches. Today, treasure digging is prohibited in some mountain and beach areas of the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department.

There is very little about treasure hunting that is both true and realistic, but there is a 100% chance that the story of Mount Neahkahnie is true. Every treasure hunter knows the captivating feeling when a pipe dream is about to come true, and for the serious ones who will eventually say “I’m glad I kept trying,” the allure of hidden treasure hidden on Mount Neahkahnie will continue to call.

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