Australian man changed his life by digging up a 1.4kg gold nugget worth 145,000 AUD ​

The discovered gold nugget weighed up to 1.4kg, a size and weight rarely seen in the amount of gold commonly mined in the area.

The gold miner (anonymous) couldn’t believe it was true when the metal detector discovered a “monster” lump of gold weighing up to 1.4kg while digging for gold in Kalgoorlie, Western Australia (Australia).

This person then brought the gold to an appraisal company for valuation and was informed that the gold was worth 145,000 AUD.

Many gold miners in the area were extremely impressed by the above information.

“Unbelievable! What a monster gold bar. Surely that person’s two pupils must have popped out of their eyes when they found the gold bar!”, one person said. Currently, many people have flocked to the area to dig for gold with the desire to try their luck.The Goldfields area has long been known as the gold mine of Western Australia, where people still regularly dig for gold.

Last September, a retired man in Australia was also lucky enough to dig up a 3.23kg gold nugget with an estimated value of up to 110,000 USD.

The gold nugget is estimated to cost about 2.5 billion.

According to Daily Mail, this man spent many years searching for gold in Western Australia using a metal detector.

The man, who did not want to be identified, said he had been digging in the Goldfield area with a metal detector for years until he bought a new device.

“When I almost finished digging, I was surprised to find a piece of gold weighing 3.23kg, of which the weight of gold was 2.11kg,” the retired man said. “It was 80cm deep, mixed in clay so it took me more than 2 hours to dig it out.”

The man revealed that he dug up the gold piece using a Minelab GPZ 7000 metal detector, which costs about 8,000 USD.

Rob Anderson, a friend of the man who found the nugget, said: “I know him, he’s a gold prospector. He has been very successful over the years.”

The medicinal gold nugget was found at a depth of 80cm.

“I think it’s evidence that there’s still gold out there, even in areas you think are clean,” Anderson said.

Also in September last year, a Canadian gold mining company announced that it found 262kg of gold worth 11.5 million USD at the Beta Hunt mine, in the Goldfield area.

Therefore, many people are still flocking to the Goldfield area to find gold in the hope that luck will also come to them.

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