The Perfect Carne Asada Marinade Recipe

Embark on a culinary journey with the irresistible Carne Asada, a mouthwatering Mexican dish renowned for its bold flavors and tender texture. Elevate your grilling game as we unveil the secrets behind a tantalizing Carne Asada Marinade that will leave your taste buds dancing. Bursting with a symphony of ingredients, this marinade promises to transform a simple cut of flank steak into a culinary masterpiece.

Ingredients Unveiled

The magic begins with a harmonious blend of ingredients that form the heart of our Carne Asada Marinade. Picture this – ¼ cup of rich olive oil, the zesty juice of 2 limes, and the citrusy embrace of ½ cup of orange juice. Add a dash of acidity with 2 tablespoons of white vinegar, while a minced and seeded jalapeno imparts just the right amount of heat. Four crushed garlic cloves, a cup of fresh cilantro, and a medley of spices, including 1 teaspoon each of chili powder, cumin, Kosher salt, and ¼ teaspoon of ground black pepper, complete this flavor-packed ensemble. Don’t forget the star of the show – 2 pounds of succulent flank steak.

Marinating Mastery

Creating culinary magic requires patience, and the same holds true for our Carne Asada Marinade. In a large bowl or a zip-top bag, the ingredients come together in a tantalizing dance of flavors. Olive oil meets lime and orange juice, while the jalapeno adds a spicy twist. The garlic and cilantro join the party, followed by the aromatic trio of chili powder, cumin, and pepper. This symphony is seasoned with a teaspoon of Kosher salt, creating a marinade that promises to elevate your grilling experience.

The steak takes center stage, bathing luxuriously in this marinade for at least an hour, or up to 12 hours for those who plan ahead. Whether at room temperature or chilling in the refrigerator, the flank steak absorbs the flavors, ensuring each bite is a burst of Mexican-inspired bliss. As the steak emerges, a quick pat dry and a sprinkle of salt and pepper on each side prepare it for the sizzling embrace of the grill.

Grilling Excellence

The stage is set, the grill preheated to a tantalizing medium-high heat. The marinated steak takes its place, sizzling as it meets the grates. Cooked for 7 to 10 minutes, or longer based on personal preferences, the steak reaches a perfect 140°F according to a trusty digital thermometer. For those who prefer a different level of doneness, the notes provide guidance on adjusting cooking times.

A crucial step follows – allowing the carne asada to rest for 5 to 10 minutes. This pause allows the flavors to settle, ensuring a juicy and tender bite with each slice. The final act involves expertly slicing the steak against the grain, revealing the fruits of your marinating labor. The result? A culinary masterpiece that transcends the ordinary, bringing the vibrant essence of Mexican street food to your backyard.

As the tantalizing aroma of Carne Asada wafts through your backyard, you’ve not just grilled a steak; you’ve curated an experience. The Carne Asada Marinade, with its carefully selected ingredients and meticulous marinating process, turns a simple dish into a celebration of flavor. This journey through the heart of Mexican cuisine invites you to savor each moment – from the sizzle on the grill to the succulent tenderness on your plate.

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