The mysterious UFO clip crashed on the university lawn

A strange clip depicting a UFO falling on the lawn at Alcala University near Madrid, Spain caused a stir on social networks.

Recently, a student shared a close-up clip of a UFO landing on the lawn outside the Environmental Science department building at Alcala University, near Madrid, Spain, causing fierce debate on social networks.

In the clip, the UFO ship crashes, smoke rising into the air. The UFO has a fixed TV antenna on top, with the bottom firmly planted into the ground. Next to the ship, a person wearing a white hazmat suit was examining the scene. The male student filming the clip exclaimed: “Look at this, look at this. I can’t believe it.”

However, some people believe that it was the scene of some student acting game. It is still unclear whether this is an elaborate performance performed by students, or whether alien life forms have actually arrived on Earth.
Alcala University management confirmed that they had seen the images of the UFO crash, but declined to comment in detail at this time.

A school spokesperson said: “This video was recorded on campus at dawn. We currently do not know what it is and are investigating. As soon as more information is available, we will release it.”

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