The Mysterious Pyramid of Bomarzo: Uncovering the mysterious past of the Etruscans

Europe’s ancient and far-reaching history is often shrouded in mystery. Mysterious peoples, diverse cultures, and strange legends are all left in the past, with not much left to form a suitable story.

And one of these mysterious cultures belongs to the ancient Etruscans. Once a vast and prosperous civilization, the Etruscan civilization came to an end in the shadow of the emerging Roman Republic. But there is no doubt that this important culture left many traces on the Italian peninsula – traces that are still being discovered today.

Today we are exploring a unique archaeological site – a mysterious monument that speaks to the illustrious and fascinating past of the Etruscan civilization as well as to the distant corners of history shrouded in mystery. Let’s explore the pyramids of the Etruscans!

To the Etruscan Gods: Explore the Pyramid of Bomarzo
Archeology usually implies excavation – digging up the remains of our long past on earth. But what about ancient relics that remain safe and intact on the surface – weathered by time and nature? They must be familiar and recognizable, right? Um…not really.

Even when they are above ground, not all remnants of the ancient past are easy to identify and explore. Nature effectively hides them. And that is exactly the story of the Pyramid of Bomarzo.

The area around the town of Bomarzo, an hour and a half north of Rome, is a densely wooded place called Tacchiolo – a part of Tuscany formed by primordial volcanic activity. In return – Tacchiolo is a paradise of dense nature, filled with lakes, boulders and forests.

The town of Bomarzo, Italy where the Bomarzo Pyramid is located. (fantomas70 / Adobe Stock)

In 1991, two Italian researchers reported discovering a large pyramid-like structure deep in the forest, resembling a stepped pyramid. This discovery did not cause a stir in scientific circles in Rome – it received little attention and was quickly forgotten.

It wasn’t until 2008 that the Bomarzo Pyramid once again became known – with the help of Salvatore Fosci, an agriculturalist rediscovered this extraordinary ruin and carried out a detailed cleanup of the thickly developed area. solid around it. And this time, the discovery made a splash – it quickly attracted the attention of society.

Sasso del Predicatore: Sacrificial stone or something else?
The monument ‘unearthed’ by Mr. Fosci is a novelty on the Italian peninsula – a rare discovery that could conceivably belong to South America. Although it quickly became known as the “Pyramid of Bomarzo,” the structure is not exactly pyramid-shaped. In fact, it is a large rock of roughly triangular, conical gray volcanic tuff, measuring about 26 feet (8 meters) by 53 feet (16 meters) and about 33 feet high. (10 meters).

The rock is known locally as Sasso del Predicatore – the Stone of the Missionary – and just a glance at the steps carved into it will tell you why. The step pyramid immediately reminds you of Mayan ruins, albeit far away. The front of the pyramid is divided into two levels.

The first staircase has 20 steps leading to a small altar. From there there are two smaller stairs, 9 and 10 steps respectively, leading to the upper room, with the main altar above. The right front is very angular, with prominent deep grooves and grooves running from top to bottom of the pyramid – suggesting the sacrificial role of these altars. There are still a number of square holes between the steps, apparently used to hold columns and similar structural parts.

Etruscan pyramid of Bomarzo. Source: Alessio Russo / Adobe Stock.

The skill of carving steps and grooves from volcanic tuff suggests the construction of an advanced civilization and a possible ceremonial role related to Etruscan temples, which played an important role in the society of Surname. When the pyramid was discovered, experts agreed that it was built around the 7th century BC as an altar in an Etruscan temple. But are there more secrets to this seemingly simple structure?

In the Shadow of Rome: A History of the Etruscans
Emerging from the Iron Age Villanovan culture around 700 BC, the Etruscan civilization formed one of the important identities in ancient history and one of the more prominent Italic peoples. From the earliest times, the Etruscans formed a unique identity and regularly traded with the Celts to the north and the Greeks to the east.

They were influenced by Ancient Greece in their mythology, art and architecture – and possibly religion as well. Among the Celtic peoples, Etruscan luxury goods were highly sought after, and regular trade between the two peoples made the Etruscan elite very wealthy and influential, which in turn focused on literature. , arts and culture.

Etruscan dancers, 470 BC. (Eloquence / Public Domain)

But on the Italian peninsula, the Etruscans witnessed the rise of a new and increasingly formidable power – Rome. With the political landscape in the Mediterranean changing with the rise of Rome, the influence of the Etruscans began to wane.

From the 4th century BC, a series of Roman-Etruscan wars began, leading to the gradual annexation of Etruscan cities. The last such city, Volsinii, fell in 264 BC – and the Etruscans were assimilated into Roman culture. In fact, they had a major impact on the development of Roman identity, but in the end, the growing expansion of that powerful city-state could not be resisted.

The Etruscan language existed for about 300 years until it disappeared along with the remnants of the once mighty Etruscan civilization.

Mysterious Ais: Etruscan Religion
Etruscan religion arose from the Iron Age practices of the Villanovan culture, was heavily influenced by Greek mythology, and also had similarities with the emerging Roman culture. This religion was polytheistic and emphasized the power of the gods – the Etruscans believed that all visible phenomena were manifestations of the divine.

But their temples are not too different from their neighbors. The gods, called ‘ais’ in the Etruscan language, were divided into three tiers. The lowest level was devoted to the usual local deities – sun god Usil, moon god Tivr, war god Laran and his consort Turan, goddess of love and fertility.

Statue of the sun god Usil, 500-480 BC. (Sailko / CC BY-SA 4.0 )

In the second ‘layer’ are the Greek gods who were clearly taken over under early influence: Pacha, Aritimi, Menrva – the Etruscan equivalents of Bacchus, Artemis and Minerva. The highest aspect of the Etruscan pantheon was the triumvirate that ruled over all: Tinia the sky god, his wife, Uni, and the earth goddess – Cel.

From this complex temple, a complex system of priests and officials arose. The most important religious figures of Etruscan society were the netsvis, the so-called haruspex, considered the center of daily life and social events.

The most prominent form of religious practice is divination from the liver. These priests would sacrifice sheep and examine swellings on the liver – these swellings would be studied to predict important developments. And perhaps it is this well-attested custom of animal sacrifice that is so perfectly connected with the nature of the Pyramid of Bomarzo.

What was the Bomarzo pyramid used for?
The first discovery of the Bomarzo Pyramid gave rise to many new speculations and theories, becoming a controversial issue in the scientific community. With this stepped altar being a somewhat unique find in the field of Etruscan culture, much remains to be understood about its possible uses. But there is a clue that reveals to us an important connection – long grooves and channels going down the front flank of the pyramid.

The most common explanation for these channels involves ritual sacrifice. The Etruscans, if they were the ones who carved it, were famous for animal sacrifice in their religious practices. This fits perfectly with the whole appearance of the Bomarzo Pyramid, and the blood flowing down the grooves may have played another role – perhaps we don’t know yet.

Another clue emphasizes the religious nature. The altar faces northwest – believed to point towards the Etruscan underworld and the dark gods. All these details combined may indicate a very important site for the Etruscans and perhaps some kind of religious center.

The Wealth of Findings: The Finestraccia
But the Bomarzo Pyramid is not the only wonder in the area. In fact, it is dotted with indistinct Etruscan inscriptions and carvings. Near the pyramid, on the left side of the approaching road, is another monument – a primitive house dating from the same time as the pyramid – 7th century BC.

This structure appears to be a tomb, a crude house with a tomb inside. Locals call it Finestraccia, or Ugly Window, apparently due to the unbalanced and rough openings in the front. This tomb may provide important clues about the role of the nearby Pyramid of Bomarzo and add further significance to the site.

Near the Pyramid of Bomarzo there is a tomb/residence called Finestraccia. Giovanni Savelli / CC BY 2.0

There is a distinct possibility that this tomb was perhaps the resting place of some important Etruscan priest or official, directly related to the nearby sacrificial altar. The wealth of Etruscan inscriptions and archaeological sites surrounding this site at Bomarzo certainly denotes a strong and very important Etruscan presence.

A Glimpse into the Bronze Age: Could it be older?
As a relatively recent discovery, the Bomarzo Pyramid still offers much to learn and some that we can only speculate about. However, what if this site was a much earlier ruin? Some ancient ceremonial site that was only adopted by the Etruscans and adapted to their religious practices?

To address this question, we need to reflect on the cultures that predated the Etruscans – reaching deep into the Bronze Age as we search for the possible origins of the Pyramid of Bomarzo.
Terramare was a complex Bronze Age culture, dating from 1700 to 1150 BC. It thrived in the Emilia region, where nearly 60 Terramare culture villages have been excavated. Such rich finds certainly point to the importance of Terramare culture, and perhaps give us insight into the cultural and religious fiber of this region of the Italian peninsula.

Terramare houses are rebuilt. (Vegetables/Public Domain)

When this culture collapsed around 1150 BC, a new culture rose to replace it – the Proto Villanovan culture, often considered the earliest possible form of Etruscan civilization. However, Luigi Pigorini, one of the most famous 19th-century Italian archaeologists and paleontologists, proposed that the remains of the Terramare culture were a major component of the Villanovan culture that emerged later. that – and perhaps posits a connection with the Etruscans.

Could this unique and mysterious site – the Pyramid of Bomarzo – give us an important link to the ancient history of the Italian peninsula? Or maybe even a glimpse of the region’s identity before Indo-European settlement? There is so much about our history, the mysteries of Old Europe that we have yet to discover and discover.

The questions are there, but the answers are few and far between.

Final thoughts on the Pyramid of Bomarzo
The Bomarzo Pyramid is accessible to the public and can be reached on foot – although not easily. As the Italian government largely ignored it, the road leading to this archaeological site is completely unmarked.

This means anyone wanting to visit and experience this ancient site will have to do some research. GPS, online directions, photos and simple orientation will certainly be helpful, or the help of a local guide.

With this location located almost on a large cliff and surrounded by forests, cliffs and dense trees, you need to be cautious. Anyhow, even from afar, the Bomarzo Pyramid site is certainly a breathtaking place.

Bomarzo, Italy – location of the Bomarzo Pyramid, located close to a large cliff. (Attilios / CC BY-SA 3.0 )

Rising indomitably above the foliage, this rugged rock will inspire and leave a sense of awe. Getting up close and personal with an ancient historical site is certainly a tremendous experience and an opportunity not to be missed.

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