Sicily’s hidden gems: Abandoned temple columns at Cave di Cusa

If someone told you that you could easily travel back in time to ancient times, you would think they were crazy, right? But at Cave di Cusa, Sicily, this can actually happen. This Greek quarry was suddenly abandoned in the middle of a working day and was never reclaimed. Frozen in time as it was, it remains that way to this day. This important archaeological site should not be missed when exploring southern Sicily. It offers a rare window into the past and is one of the most popular tourist attractions in the region.

Remains of the crude columns of the Selinunte temple at the Cave di Cusa quarry in Sicily. ( CC0 )

Explore Cave di Cusa: A fascinating window into the past
Sicily is a real hotspot of ancient archaeological sites. Once home to the ancient Greeks in their colony, it has always been at the crossroads of history, witnessing all the great changes and passing of other civilizations together. Cave di Cusa is a typical example of this phenomenon.

In ancient times, this ancient quarry was used as the main quarry in the area for decades. Located on a ridge stretching from east to west, it is about 1.8 km (4.97 mi) long. Archaeological research shows that the first work carried out in this quarry was carried out around the first half of the 6th century BC.

The stone quarried at Cave di Cusa is of excellent quality, meaning the limestone has the ideal texture and hardness. Therefore, it was highly appreciated by the ancient Greeks who used stone to construct their lavish temples and buildings.

Just 13 km (about 8 miles) from the Cave di Cusa quarry is the site of ancient Selinunte, a rich and prosperous ancient Greek city with many impressive temples. For generations, the stone used in Selinunte was quarried at Cave di Cusa. It was one of the largest Greek cities in Sicily, at its peak its inhabitants numbering around 30,000 people. High demand for gemstones means that the Cave di Cusa quarry is always operating at full capacity and speed.

Research shows that between 150 and 200 workers – mostly slaves – were busy at the quarry throughout its history. The great Doric columns were carved here – on site – before being transported to Selinunte, where they adorned lavish temples. But the quarry’s rich and industrious history came to an abrupt end – forever.

The Temple of Hera in Selinunte, Sicily, was built from stone quarried at Cave di Cusa. ( Bellafiore Franco / Adobe Stock)

The arrival of the Carthaginian invaders
Research shows us that the quarry at Cave di Cusa has been extensively exploited for about 150 years. But it was abandoned suddenly, in just a moment. This happened in 409 BC, when the area was invaded by the Carthaginian general Hannibal Mago, not to be confused with the more famous Hannibal who lived two centuries later.

As the invasion swept through the Cave di Cusa quarry, the frightened slaves and overseers quickly fled, not daring to look back. The quarry was abandoned, abandoned in the middle of a workday and left untouched from that point forward. No one came back to reclaim it.

The remaining ruins at Cave di Cusa provide much-needed information about how these ancient builders created the columns used in their spectacular architecture that stands today. is still visible on the island of Sicily. (Davide Mauro / CC BY-SA 4.0 )

Whatever mission they were on when they escaped is left intact. As a result, visitors can now travel back to 409 BC, exactly when the quarry was abandoned. The large temple drums are still unfinished, as are the plinths and pillars. The sudden shutdown preserved the site, allowing us to witness the entire ancient past centuries later.

Cave di Cusa is especially beautiful in spring, when gentle breezes stir the grass and the surrounding flowers bloom. The combination of natural beauty and ancient ruins creates an ancient and picturesque atmosphere, attracting many tourists from all over the world. Visitors can enjoy a picnic amid the beautiful scenery while admiring the essence of history and the passage of time evident in these archaeological sites.

Quarry from above, identifying the remains of rough columns destined for Selinunte, at Cave di Cusa in Sicily by the 18th-century French painter and engraver Jean-Pierre Houël. (Public domain)

An archaeologist’s dream: Cave di Cusa is a testament to Sicily’s tumultuous history
The extraordinary history of Cave di Cusa, especially its sudden evacuation, makes it an ideal location for modern archaeologists. About sixty huge and mostly cylindrical stone blocks, used to create majestic temple columns, are scattered throughout the area.

While some blocks are only partially carved, others are almost complete, allowing for in-depth study of the construction process of these ancient architectural elements. This unique feature makes Cave di Cusa an excellent site for archaeological education and research.

Another insight is the numerous tool marks on the rocks, which allowed researchers to study in detail the quarrying methods at Cave di Cusa during this ancient period. Furthermore, there are many examples of unique technological solutions that make stone processing easier. A case in point is that carefully placed grooves and holes will make lifting these blocks much easier.

The remains of an abandoned stone destined for Selinunte at the Cave di Cusa quarry in Sicily. Source: V. Korostyshevskiy / Adobe Stock

All these discoveries are a clear sign that in its heyday, the Cave di Cusa quarry was a very important, valuable site for the wealthy inhabitants of Selinunte, who could boast of his many noble temples thanks largely to the hard work done at the quarries.
​Alas, it was the Carthaginians who put an end to the industry carried on here when they invaded Sicily during the First Punic War between Rome and Carthage. Selinunte itself was heavily damaged in the attack and its defenders were all executed. The city was finally abandoned in 250 BC and was never resettled again.

Cave di Cusa remains one of the most valuable archaeological sites for studying Sicily’s past and understanding its ancient Greek history. The quarry, along with the nearby city of Selinunte, is important evidence of the devastating invasion of the Carthaginians in 409 BC, whose army is said to have numbered up to 100,000 soldiers by some estimates.

Given the historical context surrounding the Carthaginian invasion and subsequent conflict, it is understandable why the Cave di Cusa quarry was abandoned so suddenly. The chaos of the invasion would certainly cause panic, causing workers to abandon their duties and flee for their lives. The abandoned quarry today stands as a remarkable testament to the region’s tumultuous history and provides a unique perspective on the construction techniques and methods of the ancient world.

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