Roman Origins: Did Romulus Really Found Rome? (Videotapes)

The legendary founding of Rome revolves around two key figures, Romulus and Aeneas, whose stories are intertwined with mythology, geology, and archaeology.

According to tradition, Romulus, saved by shepherds, founded the city on the Palatine Hill, which was marked by the infamous “rape of the Sabine women” and the establishment of the asylum on the Capitoline Hill.

Later, Aeneas, a survivor of Troy, played an important role in Roman mythology. His journey led to the formation of alliances, wars and the founding of Alba Longa, laying the foundation for the eventual birth of Rome.

Geologically, Rome’s landscape was shaped by volcanic material from the eruptions of the Alban Hills, which created the hills where Romulus is said to have founded the city. Archaeological evidence sheds new light on Rome’s early history. Tombs and settlements dating from the Bronze Age reveal the city’s occupation and development. Capitol Hill, Palatine Hill, and Forum all bear traces of ancient habitation, with structures and necropolises dating from the 10th century BC to the 5th century BC.

In essence, the foundation of Rome is a complex interplay between myth and tangible elements. The story of Romulus and Aeneas, set in volcanic geology, finds authenticity in ancient structures and tombs, offering a glimpse into the multifaceted origins of the iconic city this statue.

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