People who happen to have treasures from unexpected places ​

Without having to dig, many people suddenly find valuable items when repairing a bathroom or on a forgotten mezzanine.

1. American woman bought a painting for 5 USD and was offered a buyback price of 2 million USD

According to Brightside, in 1992, Teri Horton stopped by a second-hand store in California (USA) to buy a birthday gift for her friend. She saw a painting and paid $5 for it. Because this work is too big to fit in any room of your house, Mrs. Horton brought it home.

A few years later, she put the painting up for sale and asked an expert to appraise it. They discovered the fingerprint of Jackson Pollock, a famous American abstract painter. A collector offered $2 million but Ms. Horton refused. Currently, she still owns this work and expects to sell it for 50 million USD.

2. A copy of the American Declaration of Independence is in the picture frame

During an outdoor market in Pennsylvania (USA) in 1989, a man bought a painting for $4 to reuse the frame. After removing the painting, he saw a folded piece of paper inside. He couldn’t believe his eyes when he learned that it was the first copy of the American Declaration of Independence in 1776. Later, this special piece of paper was priced at 2.42 million USD at an auction.

3. American family discovered ancient coins while renovating the bathroom

In 2006, Ms. Amanda Reece asked someone to repair the toilet in Cleveland (USA). While breaking the wall, the worker discovered two blue metal boxes inside a wall. The envelopes in the box contained many bills dating back to the 1920s. The money was valued at a total of $180,000.

4. The homeowner found a treasure trove of gold while looking for a hammer in the fields

While looking for something for his friend, Mr. Eric Lawes found a large amount of gold in a field in Suffolk (England). Afterwards, this retired man reported it to local authorities. They found 14,000 items including coins, rings, bracelets made of gold, silver and some precious metals.

In 1993, this gold was valued at $2.5 million. Currently, the most beautiful and valuable treasures are displayed in British museums.

5. Three brothers discovered golden dishes in a clay mine

While working in a clay mine, the Deikov brothers (Bulgaria) found plates, water jars, and cups made of 24 carat gold. Archaeologists believe that the treasure trove belonged to a wealthy, noble family from the 3rd century BC. All of these precious items are kept in the bank’s safe.

6. A $3 million baseball card collection left in the attic

In February 2011, Mr. Karl Kissner (USA) found 700 baseball cards that belonged to the person he passed away in 1940. The treasure was discovered when he cleaned the attic and saw a box containing all the numbers. card above. According to experts, this is the largest and most interesting sports card collection, worth millions of dollars. In August 2011, the family decided to sell some cards during a collectors’ exhibition event. The amount of revenue was not disclosed but many people estimate it could be up to 2-3 million USD.

7. The million dollar painting was used to cover the hole in the wall

For many years, a family in Indiana (USA) used a painting purchased for $29 to cover a hole in the wall. One day, they played a game called Masterpiece related to art and discovered the true value of paintings. That is the work “Magnolia flowers on velvet canvas” by artist Martin Johnson Heade.

In 1999, experts from the Museum of Fine Arts in Houston came to appraise and buy the painting for $1.25 million.

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