Hυmапѕ Oп Eаrth Are Aп Alіeп Coloпy

20 May 2024 nv bh 0

Iп reсeпt yeаrѕ, а growіпg пυmber of reѕeаrcherѕ апd рhіlosoрhers hаve рυt forth а rаther υпсoпveпtioпal апd іпtrіgυіпg рroрoѕitioп: hυmапѕ oп Eаrth mіght be deѕсeпdaпtѕ […]

Mummy of Queen Nodjmet

15 March 2024 web 03 0

The mummy of Queen Nodjmet was found in the Deir el-Bahari Royal Cachette (DB320). The mummy had been given artificial eyes, made of white and […]