Make Instant Pot Brownies: A Delicious Treat in Just 40 Minutes

Instant Pot brownies are the epitome of quick and delightful dessert indulgence. With a handful of ingredients and a trusty Instant Pot, you can whip up a batch of rich, moist brownies that will leave your taste buds dancing. Here’s how you can create this mouthwatering treat in just a few simple steps.

Equipment and Ingredients:

Before diving into the process, gather your equipment: an Instant Pot and a 7-inch springform pan, along with the basic ingredients – a 16-ounce brownie mix, a stick of room-temperature butter, and two room-temperature eggs. Using a microwave-safe bowl, melt the butter gradually, ensuring it becomes uniformly smooth. Whisk in the eggs, one at a time, and gently fold in the brownie mix with a spatula. This careful blending is essential to avoid over-mixing, which can affect the texture of your brownies.

Cooking Process:

To prepare your Instant Pot, grease an oven-safe baking pan and line it with optional parchment paper. Pour the batter into the pan and cover it loosely with aluminum foil. Inside the Instant Pot, pour a cup of water and place a trivet. Carefully set the pan on the trivet. Close the lid, select the CAKE button, and set the timer for 40 minutes at high pressure. After the cooking time, allow the pot to release pressure manually for 10 minutes. Open the lid once the pressure has dropped, and with silicone mitts, remove the pan. Run a plastic knife around the edges of the brownie, release the spring, and voila – your brownie is ready!

Serving and Enjoying:

Give your brownies a brief cooling period of 10 minutes before cutting into them. This brief wait ensures that the brownies set properly, making them easier to slice into perfect, mouthwatering squares. Serve your Instant Pot brownies with a scoop of vanilla ice cream, a dollop of whipped cream, or simply on their own. The rich chocolatey goodness will delight your senses, making every bite a heavenly experience.

Making Instant Pot brownies is not just a culinary delight; it’s a testament to the wonders of modern cooking appliances. With minimal effort and time, you can create a dessert that rivals those from upscale bakeries. So, the next time your sweet tooth craves attention, turn to your Instant Pot and these simple ingredients for a delicious treat that will leave you craving for more.

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