Magical rings and their mystical powers

Treasure is not always large stores of gold or mountains of precious stones. The treasure can also be a highly valuable artifact such as the Ark of the Covenant, the Spear of Longinus and the Sword of Nuada, the Holy Grail or a small but very precious ring with magical powers.

King Solomon’s magical ring
According to legend, the famous King Solomon had a very valuable gold ring. The ring is not only precious but also magical. With it, Solomon was said to be able to control spirits and demons. Among all his treasures, this ring is considered the most mystical.

It is said that one day the king lost his precious ring. He lost it in the waters of the Jordan River. Solomon considered the ring lost forever until a fisherman returned it to him. He found the ring inside the body of a fish. The precious magic ring was said to be buried with the body of King Solomon. However, no one has yet found Solomon’s tomb. According to legend, the person who finds the ring will become the ruler of the world.

“The vanity of vanities; all is vanity.” The old and meditative King Solomon by Isaak Asknaziy. (Public domain)

Howard Carter’s circle of protection
Howard Carter is the archaeologist who discovered Tutankhamen’s tomb in 1922. At that time, everyone was surprised because the curse on King Tut’s tomb had no effect on the archaeologist. It is said that Carter found a ring in Assuan in the tomb of a priest named Jua. The ring was purchased by the Egyptologist Marquis d’Agrain in 1860.

Howard Carter. (Public domain)

The ring has geometric shapes covering it such as three lines and triangles. The drawings on the ring have been arranged according to the principles of esoteric knowledge. This design is intended to protect a person from danger, curses and black magic. Today, the ring is known as the “ring of Ra” and it is believed that it was originally designed by the people of the lost city of Atlantis. According to the same theory, the Egyptians are considered descendants of these people. As for the ring, the explanation is that it follows radioactive principles that can have a positive or negative effect on the individual wearing it.

Basic design of the ‘Ring of Ra’/The Ring of Atlantis. (Soul Guide)

Charlemagne and the love of the magic ring
Supposedly influenced by the power of a magic ring, Charlemagne fell passionately in love with a German woman. He loved her so much that he even began to neglect state affairs to be with her. However, one day, the woman died. Charlemagne continued to worship her corpse, but he refused to bury her. One day, while Charlemagne was away, Archbishop Turpin entered the bedroom. There he noticed a precious ring on the corpse, which he took with him.

Charlemagne’s mask box, located in the Cathedral Treasury in Aachen. ( CC BY-SA 3.0 )

As soon as the ring was removed, the corpse began to rot. When Charlemagne returned, all he found was a corpse that smelled horribly. He buried the body, but another strange thing began to happen. Charlemagne began to direct his passion towards Archbishop Turpin. Turpin has the ring and thinks there is something wrong with it. So, to escape Charlemagne’s advances, he threw the ring into the lake. According to legend, Charlemagne fell in love with this lake and ordered the construction of a magnificent palace nearby. This is the city of Aix-la-Chapelle, where Charlemagne was buried after his death.

Genghis Khan’s ring
Genghis Khan knew how to take advantage of the Mongols’ magic. In the 12th century, he ruled the great Mongol Empire and some believe that this was due to a powerful magic ring. The ring contained a ruby engraved with a magical symbol, and it was worn by both Genghis Khan as well as his grandson, Kublai Khan. They always wear it on their right hand, on their index finger.

Genghis Khan is depicted in a 14th-century Yuan Dynasty album. (Public domain)

Historians wonder how a man with no education could lead a group of nomads to conquer “further advanced” peoples and empires. As for the ring, it is engraved with a mystical Indian symbol. Some say this symbol actually comes from Hyperborea, the long-lost continent.

The symbol is the dextrogyre swastika which is believed to have positive effects. Its opposite is the sinistrogyre swastika used by Hitler. By modifying the direction of the symbol, Hitler obtained the opposite positive effects, attracting bad luck with an evil swastika to turn away from him and his actions. As for Genghis Khan’s ring, many Asian archaeologists and politicians are still searching for it.

In this way, treasure is not always large stores of gold or mountains of precious stones. The treasure can also be a highly valuable artifact such as the Ark of the Covenant, the Spear of Longinus and the Sword of Nuada, the Holy Grail or a small but very precious ring with magical powers.

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