Has the 30,000 year old cave art of Chauvet been decoded?

If it has, then it makes the Da Vinci code look like an old trick used again. Deep in a cave in the Ardeche region of France there is a set of paintings that have left the world stunned and amazed by the skill and quality of the work. Little did anyone suspect of what else lay hidden in the images themselves.

In one section of the art we see a lion spreading across the wall with its mouth slightly open, but this is no ordinary lion. It’s a map of North Africa and Spain with a glimpse of the coast line of France in the bay of Biscay. The lion also appears to contain the Nile. Not as we know it today, but showing the original rivers. Right next to the Pyramids is a dried up river bed. This is the exact river bed being shown in the map.

This lion also contains several red dots that seem to tempt you across to another portion of the picture where we see a herd of rhino and an image of something that resembles a mushroom cloud or explosion of some kind. It’s one of those types of images that stands out and does not really make sense to the rest of the art until you take a step back and realize that the ‘map of Africa’ is directing you to a crater on the surface of Earth of very similar design to the mushroom cloud.

This, in turn, leads you along another path to gaze at other amazing creatures that don’t seem to fit in until you’ve made the connections and realized what was being shown. The problem with all this is that you have to have some degree of knowledge about the world around you to be able to work it all out. One little creature stood out like a sore thumb. He is a Hippo with his mouth open, teeth showing and long tongue waggling. What’s extraordinary about this image is that the ancient Egyptians held the hippo with high regard and used its image in many things.

In this set of images, the Hippo from Chauvet is in the lower left corner

Further along into the art work and we see a set of lions all facing the same direction as if they are a pride on the hunt. Blended into the very last one is the image of half a face. What this face reveals and its recently discovered possible connection might be something quite incredible.

Here is the original image of this half of a face in the Chauvet cave.

We can see its left eye, top of its ear, nostrils and a downturned mouth, a portion of its neck and chin.

Out of pure curiosity, I mirrored the image and what I saw was simply amazing. I was showing it to a friend online who realized that it reminded him of a very similar image. Problem is, that the image he was thinking of is separated by almost 30,000 years and was created by Leonardo Da Vinci in his works and is known as the face of the first testament God, Javeh.

Here are both of those images together for you to decide if they are at all similar in any way;

But this is not the end of it. There is a vast amount of other items of interest in the art work and I have done my best to reveal all of these hidden messages in my ebook that is available now.

Are we looking at the birth of the ancient Egyptian culture and all of our modern day religions and Gods? Was Ra a real person as portrayed in the artwork? Did they leave clues as to how to navigate using the stars and were the Pyramids and Sphinx really built 30,000 years ago instead of more recently as our historians currently suggest?


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