Eight locations straight out of fairy tales (Video)

In Portugal’s Sintra Mountains, Pena Palace is a flamboyant showcase of King Ferdinand II’s taste, featuring a red clock tower and yellow minaret. Abandoned in 1910, it was declared a UNESCO heritage site after being restored.

In France, Chateau de LiMont Chandenier, although abandoned after a fire, still resonates with memories of French aristocratic parties, has now been rescued thanks to restoration efforts.

The Alcazar of Segovia in Spain, a fortress turned royal palace, boasts a fairy-tale look with its brick facade and turrets. Climbing more than 150 steps will give visitors panoramic views.

Mont Saint-Michel, the abbey located between Normandy and Brittany, fascinates with its Gothic architecture on an island, attracts millions of people every year and is recognized by UNESCO.
​In the Tuscan hills, Castello di Samazano, a Moorish-style castle with 365 uniquely tiled rooms, has remained empty since the 1990s. A local nonprofit trying to preserve the beauty is its ruin.

Slovenia’s Lake Bled, nestled in the Julian Alps, captivates with its cliffside castles and island churches. The Church of the Assumption of Mary, approached by traditional wooden boats, adds magic with an ancient wishing bell.

Turkey’s Pamukkale, also known as “Cotton Castle”, attracts visitors with its mineral-rich white waters, known for their medicinal properties since ancient times. These eight destinations, each with its own story and appeal, offer glimpses into enchanting worlds that go beyond the ordinary with the historical and architectural wonders of they .

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