Doggerland: Will the tsunami swallow part of Europe? (Videotapes) ​

In 1931, Pilgrim Lockwood’s discovery of an antlered harpoon in the North Sea revealed the existence of a wetland, Doggerland, linking England with Europe. This area, traversed by Neanderthals during the ice age, transformed from frozen tundra to a lush environment as temperatures rose.

About 8000 years ago, Doggerland faced a catastrophic event, hastened by both natural and geological factors. While rising sea levels played an important role, the key turning point was the Storegga Event , an undersea landslide off the coast of Norway that caused a giant megatsunami about 8000 years ago.

This wave, fueled by debris falling into the ocean, accelerated the process of submerging Doggerland. Recent studies indicate that rising sea levels damaged Doggerland before the tsunami. The once resource-rich land has been reduced to isolated areas, with Dogger Island one of the few remaining high points. The Storegga Super Tsunami serves as a dramatic final chapter in the gradual decline of Doggerland. Its story emphasizes the vulnerability of human habitation to gradual environmental changes and sudden catastrophic events, echoing a cautionary tale when modern civilization had to face its own challenges with rising sea levels.

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