Discovery of a 1,600-year-old gold ring studded with quartz

The Roman ring was discovered by a metal detector in a farmer’s field in Broxted, Essex County.

1,600 year old gold ring with amethyst. Photo: BBC.

After conducting an investigation, the court in Essex confirmed that the gold ring studded with amethyst is a treasure, meaning the discoverer must hand it over to the museum and receive a certain amount of money back, BBC reported today. The ring was made around 300-399, at the end of the Roman period of British rule, Sophie Flynn, an expert at Colchester museum, said.

“The small ring size shows that this is a woman’s jewelry, or a young man’s. During the Roman rule, the British often wore this type of ring. They both made it themselves and imported it from other places in the Roman Empire,” Flynn said.

Rome began invading Britain in 43, succeeded in 84 and ruled until 410. During this period, Britain was greatly influenced by the Romans’ architecture and culture.

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