Deliciously Nutritious: A Guide to Perfect Honey Whole Wheat Dinner Rolls

Indulging in warm, freshly baked dinner rolls is an experience that elevates any meal. If you’re looking to add a wholesome touch to your dinner table, these Honey Whole Wheat Dinner Rolls are a perfect choice. Packed with the goodness of whole wheat flour and the natural sweetness of honey, these rolls are not only delicious but also a healthier alternative to traditional dinner rolls.


The foundation of these delectable rolls lies in a carefully curated list of ingredients. Begin by combining warm whole milk with Platinum Yeast, creating a frothy mixture that sets the stage for the dough. Incorporate softened butter, honey, eggs, and salt, followed by the gradual addition of whole wheat flour. The resulting dough should be soft, elastic, and slightly sticky. For those without a stand mixer, fear not—kneading by hand is a perfectly acceptable alternative.

Rising to Perfection

The magic of these rolls unfolds during the rising process. After the initial rise, the dough is shaped into a ball, placed in a greased bowl, and left to double in size. This step is accelerated by a warm environment, easily achieved by utilizing a slightly heated oven. The dough is then punched down, rolled into a rectangle, and cut into 15 rolls. A second rise ensues, transforming the rolls into puffy delights ready for the oven.

Baking Bliss

As the rolls bake to golden perfection, the kitchen fills with an irresistible aroma. A brief foil cover halfway through ensures the tops don’t brown too much, resulting in a picture-perfect batch of rolls. Once out of the oven, a tantalizing blend of melted butter and honey is brushed over the warm rolls, enhancing their flavor and creating a glossy finish. A sprinkle of sea salt provides the finishing touch, adding a delightful contrast to the sweetness.

Serving and Storage

Fresh from the oven, these rolls are best enjoyed warm. The combination of the soft interior and slightly crisp exterior is a testament to the baking artistry involved. However, if you find yourself with leftovers, fear not. These rolls retain their freshness when covered and stored at room temperature for a few days or in the refrigerator for up to one week.

Mastering the art of crafting Honey Whole Wheat Dinner Rolls is a rewarding endeavor. Beyond the heavenly taste, these rolls bring a nutritional punch to your dinner table, making them a wholesome choice for any occasion. Whether you’re a seasoned baker or a novice in the kitchen, these rolls offer a delightful baking experience that will leave your family and guests asking for more.

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