Death’s treasure: A series of remains covered with precious gems in an ancient tomb ​

The 2,000-year-old tombs are located right at the origin of the “Silk Road”, the people in the tombs wear clothes made of jade pieces, among countless treasures.
An international archaeological team led by the Xi’an Institute of Cultural Relics and Archeology discovered 27 mysterious ancient tombs in Xi’an city, Shaanxi province (China), which is believed to be the starting point. of the famous Silk Road. The 27 tombs are real treasures, with countless valuable burial items.

4 of the 27 tombs are particularly large in scale, in addition they are buried in magical blue clothes, sewn with 2,200 pieces of jade. Archaeologists believe that this is the resting place of high-ranking people at that time.

Part of the complex of 27 ancient tombs of the Han Dynasty has just been found – photo provided by the research team

Among the burial items, the most notable are small ceramic statues that scientists hope will reveal more about the tomb owners.

It is estimated that the ancient tombs date back about 2,000 years, or from the Han Dynasty. The Silk Road starting from China at that time lasted 6,400 km, passing through many places such as the Takla Mkan desert, crossing the Pamirs mountains, through Afghanistan, the Levant and then across the Mediterranean Sea… This is the route where silk was produced. exports went to the West and wool, gold, and silver went back from West to East.

Regarding the city of Xi’an, it is one of the 4 greatest ancient capitals of China, where 7 famous dynasties were once based.

The newly discovered tomb has just begun to be excavated, the artifacts have not yet been displayed, however, according to researchers, the jade burial costumes in these ancient tombs are similar to the artifacts on display at the site. Tomb of Tay Son – photo: Tomb of Tay Son relic site

Currently, the excavation of 27 ancient tombs has just begun. Archaeologists hope a comprehensive excavation of the burial site will expand knowledge of the complex burial customs of the period.

This is not the first time lavish jade clothing has appeared in ancient Chinese tombs. Previously, a similar beautiful artifact was excavated from Tay Son Mausoleum (Vinh Thanh, Henan, China).

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