Appraisal in Switzerland revealed a stunning medieval gold brooch

Archaeological excavations ahead of heating pipeline expansion work in Kleinbasel, the Rhine port and the industrial area of Basel in Switzerland, have uncovered 15 tombs dating from the early Middle Ages. Some of these ancient tombs include many valuable artifacts. Highlight these beautiful gold coat hooks.

Medieval gold brooches date back 1,400 years
This medieval gold brooch, called a brooch, was found in the grave of a 20-year-old woman who lived in the 7th century. It was found in November by staff of the Research Institute Archaeological soil in the area of Riehentorstrasse, Rebgasse.

The team reports that once upon a time, 17 studs of blue glass and green garnets decorated the surface of the clasp, a fact that indicates her noble social status. . In fact, archaeologists suggest that her family may have owned property in the rural hinterland of Kleinbasel some 1,400 years ago.

The presence of a medieval burial at the site has been known since the 19th century, with a salvage archaeological excavation carried out in the area before the installation of new utility pipes. Archeology reported that this woman’s tomb and skeleton were accidentally crushed during construction in the 20th century, but at that time, the golden brooch had not yet been discovered.

A medieval child’s grave was discovered along with silver artifacts and accessories. (Adrian Jost / Archäologische Bodenforschung Basel-Stadt )

Burial place for the elite
It wasn’t just the gold brooch that demonstrated her high social status – after all, her upper body was adorned with other jewels including 160 pearls, glass beads, amethysts and amber, all sewn onto a cloak that is currently unavailable. There’s also a leather strap with an extra-large amber pendant as well as small metal crosses.

Even her belt symbolizes a wealthy person – made of iron with a silver-plated blade. The belt had a hook attached to several Roman coins, metal objects, and a comb made of bone. “It seems to have been a hot spot, a special place, where exceptionally wealthy people were buried,” Basel state archaeologist Guido Lassau said in an exchange with swissinfo .ch .

Other finds include the grave of a girl with a gold-plated belt buckle, 380 pearls and a large silver-plated belt that fit in another child’s grave, along with a pair of scissors and a comb. . Lassau commented that the landfill is certainly denser than previously thought.

A man buried in a medieval stone tomb has evidence of severe facial injuries from a sword blow. (Philippe Saurbeck / Archäologische Bodenforschung Basel-Stadt )

Diligence and professionalism helped reveal the secrets of the Middle Ages
Not all finds were preserved with their vanity and social status intact. The skeleton of a man shows signs of severe injury, apparently caused by a sharp stab in the face with a sword. He even lost a significant portion of his upper jaw.

Unearthed brooch tells of the Nazis’ misuse of ancient Norse runes to spread their dark ideology
The discoverer was delighted to find an 800-year-old brooch with magic words to ward off illness
The fact that the wound healed has helped archaeologists understand common medieval medical knowledge. An era often labeled the Dark Ages, these details have helped archaeologists better understand this complex period in European history.

Professional archaeological supervision and appraisal carried out by the excavators and workers of the current pipeline laying work have allowed the recovery and recording of the remains of the distinguished woman, along with the brooch gold and accompanying artifacts. Authorities plan to resume excavations in January 2023 as well as organize a public exhibition to display the findings to the public.

Top image: Beautifully crafted gold brooch discovered in a 7th century tomb in Switzerland. Source: Philippe Saurbeck / Archäologische Bodenforschung Basel-Stadt

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