A Heartwarming Adoption Lady Welcomes a Kitten and Reunites with Her Cat Mother from the Shelter

A woman adopted a kitten and returned to the shelter for her cat mother who had been there for six long months.

Queenie the cat came to The Exploits Valley SPCA with a full belly of babies. She was estimated to be around two years old, and very friendly from the beginning.

“Prior to coming to the shelter, the staff were told she gave birth to several large litters in the past. Luckily, this is her last time having to go through labor,” The Exploits Valley SPCA wrote.

A little while after arrival, Queenie brought eight tiny furballs into this world, away from the elements of the outdoors. The doting cat mom immediately started tending to her demanding babies, and catering to their every need.

Nursing eight hungry mouths was no easy work. Queenie gave her kittens her undivided attention and watched over them as they reached one milestone after another.

When the litter of eight were big enough for adoption, the kittens were quickly scooped up by wonderful families. Queenie became the last one still needing a home.

“Queenie raised healthy, chubby, happy little kittens and now it’s time for her to be someone’s baby,” the shelter wrote.

While the kittens blossomed into beautiful young cats in their new homes, Queenie continued to anticipate her own happily ever after. “Her stay was extra long–waiting to give birth, raising the kittens for eight weeks, and waiting to be chosen.”

When December came around, Queenie officially became the longest resident cat at the Exploits Valley SPCA as she marked her sixth month at the shelter.

One after another, Queenie’s feline roommates were adopted, and she found herself in her room, hoping for her turn to come.

“She is so sweet and it would be so awesome for her to find a home for Christmas and forever more,” the shelter wrote in a Facebook post.

One of Queenie’s kittens, Luna, found her forever home with Allison Crowe. Luna was a mini version of momma Queenie.

While the kittens blossomed into beautiful young cats in their new homes, Queenie continued to anticipate her own happily ever after. “Her stay was extra long–waiting to give birth, raising the kittens for eight weeks, and waiting to be chosen.”

When December came around, Queenie officially became the longest resident cat at the Exploits Valley SPCA as she marked her sixth month at the shelter.

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