A group of unlucky kidnappers tried to steal the sniffer dog, and they ended up regretting their decision very much.

The two perpetrators thought they could steal the sheepdog away from its owner without any problems. But the sheepdog is not from the timid ten.

At the end of January, Toby Carrier, 19, from Hampshire, England, was the victim of an attack. While walking his pet, a Belgian shepherd named Nellie, in the evening, two men approached the lad. One of them leaned toward the dog and the other began to ask questions about the breed. The perpetrators had part of their face hidden and they both spoke with an accent, The Epoch Times reports. When Toby refused to communicate with them, one of the attackers suddenly grabbed the leash and tried to snatch it from the British man’s hands.

At that moment, the perpetrators did not yet know who they were dealing with. Nellie, an experienced sniffer dog with professional training, reacted immediately with loud barking and then attacked the strangers. It grabbed one of the men and fought him off. Once the attackers realized how strong the dog was, they let it go and took off running.

According to Toby, this is the first time he has seen Nellie like this. It is usually quiet and friendly. But apparently, at some point, the sheepdog felt threatened by strangers and took a defensive stance. Thanks to its courage and determination, neither it nor its owner were not harmed.

The Belgian Shepherd or Malinois is an athletic breed that is well suited for military or police service. They are extremely intelligent, confident and loyal to their owners until their last breath.

Nelly has never served in a war zone, but it has had professional training with the Denmead Drone Search and Rescue (DDSAR) team. This is an initiative group that provides drones, sniffer dogs, and volunteers to help find missing people. DDSAR also searches for pets, mainly dogs.

After a bit of thought, Toby decided to report the incident to the Hampshire Police Department. A criminal investigation has been opened into the attack on the dog and its owner. Investigators are not sure if the perpetrators would dare to attack a large breed of dog again, but puppies and medium-sized dogs may be in danger

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