World History and Bosnian Pyramids ​

Dr. Sam Semir Osmanagich, Ph.D.

Foreign member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences

Professor of Anthropology and Director of the Center for Archeology and Anthropology

at the American University of Bosnia-Herzegovina


Almost everything they teach us about ancient history is wrong: the origins of humanity, civilizations, and the pyramids. Homo sapiens sapien is not the result of evolution and biologists will never find the “missing link”, because intelligent humans are the product of genetic engineering. The Sumerians were not the beginning of civilized humans but the beginning of the most recent cycle of humanity. And finally, the original pyramids, the most advanced and oldest, were created by advanced builders who knew energy, astronomy, geometry and construction better than they did. ta.

To understand ancient relics, we need to look at them through three domains: matter, energy and spirit. Our scientific tools are simply not enough to explain the purpose of the oldest pyramids. Mainstream scientists, archaeologists, historians and anthropologists with their rigid approaches are often the main obstacle to scientific progress.

The gap between physical and spiritual science needs to be bridged if we are to fully understand the past.

The 200-ton stone block in Baalbeck (Lebanon) needs an explanation. Who can shape, move and install blocks four times larger than our capabilities in the 21st century? The Yonaguni megalithic ruins (Japan) belong to the previous cycle of humanity. They are irrefutable evidence, at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, 80 meters below sea level, that advanced cultures existed in this area more than 12,000 years ago before the massive ice melt and caused the The Pacific Ocean rose 80 meters high. Machu Picchu (Peru) tells the story of four distinctive civilizations and different building styles, the first civilization being the most advanced. At the same time, all history books created the story that Inkas was the one who built their “royal hideout” in recent times. The new dating of the oldest and most advanced pyramids of Peru, Mexico, China and Egypt would take us much further back than recognized history and known rulers. arrive. The same goes for “unrecognized” and/or unexplored pyramids in Mauritius, Canary Islands, Tahiti, Australia, Amazon, Crete, South Africa, Cambodia, Italy or Indonesia.

The oldest pyramids of China and Egypt are much better than those created later, as unsuccessful copies. The older ones were built from granite, limestone and sandstone blocks, the more recent ones are much smaller and built of mud bricks. Traces of more advanced creatures are everywhere around us. Meanwhile, mainstream scientists try to fit those relics into their time coordinates, distorting the truth.

The two hundred pyramids of Cahokia (USA) show the astronomical knowledge of builders who moved millions of tons of building materials and who knew the difference between cosmic and magnetic north. The Maya world (Central America) is an example of knowledge about the Universe. Our Solar System orbits the Milky Way, and that 26-thousand-year cycle (“long count”) affects all life on our Planet. The Anasazies, ancestors of the Pueblo Indians (Southern United States), did not need an alphabet or physical means of communication to perceive dangers in different dimensions coming from the depths of the Universe.

As long as they remain in the box, mainstream archaeologists will never be able to explain the tools and logistics needed to construct the Easter Islands’ stone heads, blocks of reinforced granite. work of the Akapana pyramid complex in Bolivia or the functions of the chambers in the Giza pyramid.

Stone balls in western Mexico, southern Costa Rica, Easter Island or 20 locations in remote Bosnia-Herzegovina, are clear evidence of the understanding and manipulation of shapes and energy fields in the past. far.

Above all, the discovery of Pyramid Valley in Bosnia is telling us that we do not know our Planet. We can go to the Moon, but we still need to explore Mother Earth. There are many secrets waiting to be discovered and with ancient knowledge will help us regain balance.


In April 2005, I first visited the town of Visoko, 20 miles northwest of Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia-Herzegovina. My attention was attracted by two regularly shaped hills which I later named the Bosnian Pyramids of the Sun and Moon. For thousands of years, locals have considered those hills a natural phenomenon because they are covered with a 3-foot thick layer of soil and vegetation. However, when I first saw the triangular faces, the same slope, the clear angles and the direction of the cardinal points, I knew that they must have been created by a force other than nature. Because I have studied pyramids for decades, I know that pyramids found in China, Mexico, Belize, Guatemala or El Salvador have similar cases of covered pyramids by dirt and vegetation.

In 2005, this project was initiated and I paid construction companies and geologists to perform core drilling and geomorphological analysis. I announced to the world at a press conference in Sarajevo in October 2005 that the first pyramids in Europe had been discovered.

Soon after we founded the non-profit Archaeological Park : Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun Foundation and since that time, pyramid investigations in Bosnia have become interdisciplinary scientific projects The world’s largest in the field of archeology. We spent more than 340,000 man-hours on archaeological excavation, sample testing and radiocarbon dating between 2005 and 2013. We determined that the Bosnian Pyramid Valley consists of five structures. The pyramid structures discovered so far I named: Bosnian Pyramid Pyramid of the Sun, Moon, Dragon, Mother Earth and Love. The site also includes a mausoleum complex and a giant underground labyrinth.

This discovery is historic and transforms our knowledge of Europe’s early history for several reasons:

These were the first pyramids discovered in Europe
The site includes the world’s largest pyramid structure—the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun—with a height of more than 220 meters, much taller than the Great Pyramid of Egypt (147 meters).
According to the Bosnian Institute of Geodesy, the Bosnian Sun Pyramid has the most accurate direction toward cosmic north with an error of 0 degrees, 0 minutes and 12 seconds.
The Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun is completely covered with artificial concrete blocks. According to materials science organizations in Bosnia, Italy and France, the properties of concrete, including extremely high hardness (up to 133 MP) and low water absorption (about 1%), are outstanding. much better than modern concrete materials.
According to the Sarajevo State Institute of Agriculture and Pedology (Bosnia-Herzegovina), this soil layer is 12,000-15,000 years old. Radiocarbon dating of organic material found on the surface of the concrete blocks and the underlying 3-foot-thick layer of clay was carried out by the Institute of Carbon Dating in Kiev, Ukraine in August 2019. 2012, confirmed that construction was 24,800 +/- 200 years ago. These findings confirm that the Bosnian pyramids are also the oldest known pyramids on the planet.
Beneath Bosnia’s Pyramid Valley lies a vast network of tunnels and underground chambers that run for more than 10 miles in total.
Ceramic sculptures were discovered in the underground labyrinth weighing up to 18,000 pounds, making them the largest found to date in the ancient world.
Several groups of physicists and electrical engineers from Croatia, Italy, Serbia and Finland detected and measured a beam of energy (electromagnetic in nature) passing through the top of the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun. The radius of the beam is 4.5 meters with a frequency of 28 kHz, an intensity of 3.9 V. The beam is continuous and its intensity increases as it moves up and out of the pyramid. This phenomenon contradicts the known laws of physics and technology. This is the first evidence of non-Herzian technology on the Planet. It seems that the pyramid builders created the perpetual motion machine a long time ago and this “energy machine” is still working.

Additionally, ultrasonic beams were detected on top of the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun at the same frequency, coming in regular blocks 9.3333 Hz apart with peaks at 28.3000 kHz. These are the properties of energy machines, not natural pyramidal hills. By the end of 2012, the power source was located 1.5 miles below the pyramid with an estimated capacity of more than 10 kW.

In the underground maze, in 2010, three rooms were discovered and a small blue lake. Energy testing showed that the ionization level of 43,000 negative ions was 200 times higher than the average concentration outside, making the underground rooms “healing rooms”.

Subsequent electromagnetic detection in 2011 confirmed that the level of acoustic radiation through the Hartman, Curry and Schneider grid was zero in the tunnels. No technical radiation (from power lines and/or other technology) was found in the tunnel and no cosmic radiation. Ceramic sculptures are placed on underground water streams and negative energy is transformed into positive. All of these experiments point to the underground labyrinth as one of the safest underground structures in the world, and this makes it an ideal place for the body to rejuvenate and regenerate.

Two hundred years of Egyptology have yet to provide a satisfactory answer to the question of what the true purpose of the oldest and most advanced pyramids was.

In just six years, our research in Bosnia has applied interdisciplinary scientific methods to examine this complex through its physical, energetic and spiritual dimensions. We have had pioneering results that have influenced the entire field of knowledge and Pyramid Science. Our history is changing with each new discovery.

Perhaps by changing our beginnings or learning to better understand our beginnings, we can also change our present and future for the better.

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