The Mysterious Seashell Cave of Margate – Part II

Ninety-nine per cent of the shells used in the Margate shell caves (e.g. mussels, oysters, mussels, whelk, razorbacks and starfish) are from shellfish species that occur along the British coast . Only in the altar room can one find some exotic shells from the Caribbean, such as the pink winged horn. Once upon a time this must have been a beautiful, colorful place, but today the seashells have a dirty and dull appearance. This is because previous use of gas lamps left a layer of soot on the shell. Water cleaning would have a devastating impact and the emphasis is now on conservation.

(Image: Examples of original and replica wall decorations to show differences in color)

Some plates have some type of medal. They are created on the ground and afterward

fastened on the wall in the cave. About 100 of these medals are no longer there because tourists brought them back as souvenirs. Unfortunately, the documents containing the original decorative graphics were lost when the Margate library was relocated. The path one takes through the cave can be a symbol of one’s entire life: the entrance is your birthday, you walk the path of your life, and the journey ends in the afterlife in heaven. road.

Author of many icons and ornaments. Created by previous owners Nellie and Conan Shaw.

How old could the cave be?

Researchers have dated caves everywhere from prehistoric times to ancient Roman and Phoenician times to the 18th century!

Because of the poor and dirty condition of the shells, determining the exact age of the cave using radiocarbon dating is nearly impossible to determine. Because there are no traces of tool use, it is impossible to accurately investigate the age of the cave.

There have been a number of different samples taken from the mortar used to attach the casing to the wall. It shows a number of compounds were used, mainly based on a fish-like material known as Roman cement.

According to locals, the most reasonable thing is that the cave dates back to Queen Victoria’s time. At that time, shellfish fishing increased to the point where there were enough shells left over as a byproduct to be used as decoration. Queen Victoria reigned from 1837 to 1901. That means the shell cave could have been built less than 100 years before being rediscovered in 1835 without anyone remembering it. In a village there is always an oral tradition of giant construction projects such as caves.

However, until the shell cave was opened in 1837, no one knew of its existence. The vaulted construction of the ceiling may indicate 14th-century innovation. However, this construction was chosen not for its architectural design but for practical reasons. Flat roofs will be at risk of collapsing. The argument that the cave could have been built after 1600 because they did not use wheelbarrows before that year to bring carved limestone to the surface is not credible.

The claim that the cave originated in the Phoenician period seems far-fetched. The highlight of this civilization was in what is now Lebanon and Syria and existed from 1500 to 400 BC. The Phoenicians were known as excellent sailors and are responsible for our use of the alphabet. However, the town of Margate is the easternmost point of Kent. This part of Kent was formerly separated from the mainland by the River Wantsum and was known as Thanet Island. The name Thanet comes from the Phoenician goddess Tanit. Often depicted as a character with a style very similar to Ankh.

Image of Phoenician goddess Tanit. Source: Wikimedia

In early June 2013, the Wessex Archaeological Society announced that at Pegwell Bay (5 miles from Margate) an old cemetery had been found with bodies dating from the Early Bronze Age (c. 1500 BC). original). In those days, the deceased were often cremated and there was no custom of burying them. Could this be the cemetery of Phoenician navigators? (Source: Daily Mail, June 5, 2013)

What is the purpose of the cave?

Was this cave used by old pagan religions as a temple or as a meeting place for a secret society? Oriental motifs found on the walls of the cave have led to speculations about Phoenicians, Romans, Knights Templar, mystics and magicians. The reality is that no one really knows why the shell cave was built. However, some obvious claims can be easily refuted.

It is implausible for the cave to be used as a dungeon as some have suggested. Dungeons obviously don’t need beautifully decorated walls and ceilings.

The cave was also not used as a quarry. There are other more obvious places to obtain limestone and unexcavated quarries in the shape of dome structures.

It cannot be said that this cave was used as a smuggler’s den. They definitely use to smuggle a lot in this area. However, the cave is located on a hill too far from the sea. There will be tunnels running to shore and at least one escape tunnel. They are not there. The contraband warehouse would not need to be so beautifully decorated.

All over England you can find so-called Follies. These are useless structures with no other purpose than to decorate and display wealth to the outside world. After 1700 AD, the wealthy built docks and grottoes near their stately homes, which were lavishly decorated and often left behind seashells. The shell cave was built on what was once farmland and no one can feel the wealth because it is underground. Therefore, the theory of an insanity makes no sense.

It is obvious that the cave was used as a place of worship. At the end of the hallway there is an altar. Roundabouts may have played an important role. In some World Religions, it is normal to run or walk concentrically to contact the gods. The Dervishes dance endless loops to achieve ecstasy and thus get closer to God. The Bible tells us the story of the people of Jericho who had to walk seven times around the city to tear down its walls. Muslims walk seven times during Hajj around the sacred stone Kaaba in Mecca to be lifted up. Is the roundabout in the cave also a way to get around to contact a higher power?

Margate Historical Society researcher Mick Twyman suggests the cave may have been built in the 12th century. He explains the connection between the cave and the knights of the temple. During his research, he did not let himself be distracted by the possible meaning of the designs on the shells. He just looked at the size and structure of the cave. He came to his conclusion by carefully measuring the angles in the cave and observing the position of sunlight falling on the dome. At 12 o’clock on June 21, the light passing through the dome looked like an egg reflected on the belly of a mosaic snake. The light is then reflected through square holes at the top of the cave directing the light to the altar in the rectangular worship room. Is there a connection to the Mayan culture of allowing the snake to descend along the temple steps during the construction of Chitzen Itza on the same date and time?

From March to October (the breeding season according to the ancient Celts), the projection of sunlight on the dome could have been used as a sundial. Based on this phenomenon and complex mathematical calculations, taking into account the changing angle of the equinox every 72 years, Twyman calculated that the construction of the cave must have taken place around 1141 AD.

According to Twyman, the cave designs are related to early Masonic rituals. Above the entrance to the altar room was a cornerstone and to undertake Royal Arch Masonry (the introductory degree in Freemasonry) they needed an altar. Masonic symbols such as the compass, square, star of David, pentagram, tetrahedron, tablets with symbols of ancient deities such as the two celestial rays and the Pleiadian constellation can be found seen in the cave.

During my visit to the cave, I had a strong feeling that in the cave there was a female power that was worshiped. The fact that the shell resembles a uterus reinforces that feeling. While researching for this article, I noticed the similarity between the 8-pointed star (an important symbol in some cultures, associated with creativity) as it appears many times on paintings. wall of the cave at Margate and the star of Ishtar, the goddess. of Mesopotamia (also known as Inanna in Sumeria) representing fertility, love, war and sex. Ishtar is also associated with the planet Venus. Could the opening in the dome be used to observe the planet Venus to determine the exact time of worship?

Who created the cave and for what purpose remains unclear. Obviously the designer must be well trained and must have knowledge of other cultures to incorporate in patterns made from millions of seashells. All theories related to caves are based on the wisdom hidden in the design. If the builder has no other object than to speculate, conjecture, and argue, his task is accomplished.

Victorian novelist Marie Corelli blamed the shell cave’s location for not being recognized “for were such a beautiful and extraordinary underground temple to be found anywhere other than Margate, it would certainly be recognized as one of the wonders of the world.”

 Part I

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