Could King Richard II’s gold still be hidden at Beeston Castle?

Perched on a massive cliff, Beeston Castle is one of the most dramatically situated medieval castles in England. Although what remains today represents the exploits of its medieval builders, much of what is important about Beeston is no longer visible. People have been attracted to this cliff for millennia and have used the site since the Neolithic period.

Metal works and salt reserves on the trade network
Pits and flint tools dating from the 4th millennium BC suggest that the site was inhabited during the Neolithic period. There is also evidence of Early Bronze Age (c. 2000–1500 BC) burial mounds and funerary materials found in the lower part of the cliff.

The site boasted a major metalworking site and among the most important finds were two socketed axes deliberately buried beneath the earthen bank, possibly as an offering. Crops such as stored and processed grain and pottery used to transport salt demonstrate that Beeston was part of a trading network. The wooden defensive fence at the bottom of the cliff protected valuable metalwork and agricultural surplus.
​During the baronial civil war during the reign of King John, Ranulf, Earl of Chester (1170–1232), supported the royal cause and received titles, castles and lands throughout England in return. his loyalty. In 1218, Ranulf left England to join the Fifth Crusade. He returned in 1220 and began to study Beeston. Ranulf incorporated the banks of an earlier Iron Age hill and modeled the ditch’s design on those seen in the Holy Land. The gates, much of the curtain wall of the inner precinct and the towers on the outer wall date from this period. It was originally called ‘The Castle on the Rock’.

Stained glass depicting the Crusades and the siege of Jerusalem (Jorisvo/Adobe Stock)

Ranulf used the natural features of the land, such as three steep slopes, with massive walls, fortified gates, and carefully placed towers for defense. The castle sits on top of a hill, with the outer courtyard built into the lower slopes. The large gate was protected by a ditch 16 feet (5 m) wide and 10 feet (3 m) deep. To provide fresh water for the castle’s residents, wells were dug into the rock. One, at a depth of 370 feet (113 m), is one of the deepest castle wells in Britain. According to legend, this is where Richard II’s treasure was hidden before leaving England in 1399 to quell a rebellion in Ireland. The treasure has never been found.

Beeston was inherited by his nephew John le Scot and when he died without heirs in 1237, the honor of Chester was bought by Henry III from Ranulph’s sisters, who had used it as a prison for the Welsh detainees.

In 1254, Henry III granted Beeston and the Earldom of Chester to his son, who succeeded him in 1272. Edward I kept Beeston in good repair throughout his reign. However, by the 16th century the castle was no longer used by the Crown and in 1602 it was sold to Sir Hugh Beeston.

Beeston’s role in the Civil War
After the outbreak of the Civil War in 1642, Beeston’s location made it valuable to both King Charles I’s supporters and Parliament.

Location on Beeston Castle on top of the majestic cliffs, Cheshire (Jason Wells/Adobe Stock)

In 1643, a Parliamentary garrison of over 200 men was placed in the castle but a small number of Royalists managed to overcome the defences. With more Royalists at the gates, Captain Thomas Steele surrendered with the promise that he would be allowed to leave the castle with honour. He was tried and shot for failing to hold the castle. Fighting continued until the king was defeated near Chester in 1645. The siege works were lifted, and Beeston was partly demolished to prevent its further use as a fortress.

The estate, including Beeston Castle, was purchased by Baron John Tollemache in 1840. Tollemache built a Gothic mansion, Peckforton Castle, on the southern hillside in 1844 and the ruins of Beeston is the focus. The tendency to build follies or incorporate dilapidated buildings into gardens and landscapes was an aspiration of many wealthy landowners in the 18th and 19th centuries. Beeston is one of the most impressive examples of this type.

Visit the Glorious Ruins of Beeston Castle
Beeston Castle developed as a tourist attraction in the 19th century and in 1945 the annual Beeston Castle festival was established and held every August. It passed to English Heritage in 1984. Although in a ruined state, enough remains to give a picture of what it looked like in its prime.

panoramic view from Beeston Castle (Winstone, M/CC BY-NC 2.0)

Beeston is open to visitors who can also visit the small museum and visitor center. Famous for having the best views from any castle in England, they stretch across eight counties, from the Pennines to the Welsh mountains. From Beeston Castle it takes about 20 minutes to walk to Peckforton Castle.

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