Bosnian Pyramids: One of the Greatest Discoveries Ever? ​- END

Again, all of these discoveries continue to support Dr. Osmanagich’s initial claims in 2005 regarding his prehistoric Bosnian pyramid hypothesis.

Top left; Dr. Sam Osmanagich inside the Ravne Tunnel points to the filled walkway with drywall work ahead. Top right; One of more than 50 drywalls identified in the Ravne Tunnel. Bottom left; Excavate and remove the rubble then block the Ravne Tunnel. In the lower right corner; Megaceramic K2 block, estimated to weigh 8 tons. (Richard Hoyle / Bosnia’s Sun Pyramid Foundation)

A big hoax?
Of course, no amount of objective evidence brought to light by Dr. Osmanagich is sufficient to convince the gatekeepers of the pre-existing historical paradigm. Authoritative critics of the project will make baseless and somewhat preposterous accusations that Dr. Osmanagich is shaping the hills to look like pyramids and that he is digging his own tunnels ( we assume at night in complete darkness ).

The Association of European Archaeologists called the Bosnian Pyramid Project a “hoax on the unsuspecting public,” while the publication “British Archeology” called the Bosnian Pyramid a “Scheme.” great plan”. The disgraced Egyptian Minister of Antiquities, Dr. Zahi Hawass, also spoke out, no doubt for fear of losing tourism revenue, claiming that Dr. Osmanagich was suffering from “hallucinations” (all hallucinations). persistent?).

Slightly less implausible is the baseless conjecture that the tunnels were the product of a Yugoslav military training exercise. People who are not experts in the field also illogically conclude that the tunnels are the remains of a medieval gold mine, despite the fact that there is no gold or that there has ever been any minerals There is economic importance in the rock mass that the Ravne Tunnel cuts through.

Many websites and Wikipedia entries refer to the Bosnian Pyramids as a “pseudo-archaeological concept” designed to misinform a curious public, sometimes through omissions, other times through deception, twists and turns. blatant lie. It seems that although there are many people willing to attack Dr. Osmanagich on a personal level, no one directly argues against Dr. Osmanagich’s presented evidence objectively, scientifically on a fair playing field.

The most open and transparent website in the world
Besides the controversy caused by the Bosnian Pyramid Project, there is of course another thing that differentiates the research taking place in the Bosnian Pyramid Valley from that of any other archaeological project. other. This is the most open and transparent archaeological site in the world. For example, unlike in Egypt, where it is almost impossible for anyone outside the Egyptology group to carry out independent research or even to collaborate freely, Bosnia’s Pyramid Valley is open to all. People.

Physicist Slobodan Mizdrak (left) and electrical engineering engineer Goran Marjanovic (center) are two of many independent researchers who came to measure electromagnetic and ultrasonic emissions emanating from structures within the Valley Bosnian Pyramid. (Richard Hoyle / Bosnia’s Sun Pyramid Foundation)

For example, since 2010, independent researchers have traveled to Visoko to investigate the archaeological acoustic and electromagnetic properties of the Bosnian Pyramids. Experts in their fields from the UK, Finland, Italy, Croatia and Serbia, each using different equipment and methods, were able to repeatedly detect and measure emissions from Kim Bosnian pyramid created. Their investigations revealed that the Sun Pyramid produces both a focused and stable beam of resonant electromagnetic energy emanating from its apex, as well as accompanying diffuse sound at ultrasonic frequencies.

Interferometric imaging commonly used to image bioenergy fields is also used throughout the Bosnian Pyramid Valley. PIP cameras can show how the Bosnian Pyramid manipulates the EM field that naturally occurs on Earth. Imaging of nearby hills using the same technique shows distinctly different EM field patterns, clearly distinguishing the energetic properties of the Bosnian Pyramids from those of the local natural terrain .

Independent researcher Harry Oldfield used his PIP camera in Bosnia’s Pyramid Valley. The photo on the left is a natural hill with horizontal energy fields above. The photo on the right was taken of the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun. The Earth’s natural energy fields have been rotated nearly 90 degrees. (Richard Hoyle / Bosnia’s Sun Pyramid Foundation)

2018 and 2019: New openings lead to more tunnels and thousands of artifacts
A more recent landmark discovery, made largely with the help of volunteers during a 2018 summer camp, was important enough that for the first time since archaeological work began, the museum The local municipality and its staff are currently cooperating with the Bosnian Pyramid. of the Sun Foundation. This collaboration is a small but essential step in the development and acceptance of research taking place in Bosnia’s Pyramid Valley.

Teams of international volunteers during the summer 2018 excavation season worked at the site now named ‘Ravne3’. (Richard Hoyle / Bosnia’s Sun Pyramid Foundation)

Surface excavations carried out a few hundred meters from the known entrance to the already explored parts of the Ravne Tunnel have revealed a completely new opening into the underground network. Like the tunnels before them, the entrance was blocked by rubble and volunteers had to clear the material. After two weeks of digging through blocked passages, a large portion of the tunnel was exposed completely free of any loose blocking material.

Connecting rooms and passages were discovered, and by the following spring 2019, it was discovered that the raised level in the open area contained a lot of archaeological material. During the summer of 2019, more than 3000 individual finds were recovered from the Ravne3 Tunnel. Pottery fragments, tiles, jewelry, coins, tools and stone artifacts have been excavated.

Left; A medieval vase partially reconstructed from fragments excavated from inside the Ravne Tunnel3. Right; A bronze pendant connector with a Romanized Celtic motif recovered from the Ravne Tunnel3. (Richard Hoyle / Bosnia’s Sun Pyramid Foundation)

Typographic analysis carried out by archaeologists at the city museum shows that the finds represent the Neolithic, Roman and Medieval periods. By late summer, it appeared that all possible artifacts had been recovered from within Ravne3. However, one final discovery of the season was made… two plaster walls. In form, material and context, the plasterboard walls match those previously discovered by Dr. Osmanagich in the original Ravne Tunnel, linking the creation of the two tunnel sections together and inferring each is part of a large underground network.

At least 6000 years old!
Work completed in late summer 2019 allowed a minimum age to be given for the Ravne3 Tunnel, using both relative and absolute dating methods. Stratigraphically, the plaster walls found beneath the cultural layers contain artifacts, and radiometric dating of the geological material suggests that the creation of the Ravne3 Tunnel dates back to at least 6000 five years old, with the expectation that they are even older. In short, the work carried out at Ravne3 completely disproves any notion that the Yugoslav army, medieval miners, or Dr. Sam himself, were responsible for creating the Ravne Tunnel Network.

Left; A passage connecting two rooms in Ravne Tunnel3. Right; One of two drywalls found in Ravne Tunnel3. (Richard Hoyle / Bosnia’s Sun Pyramid Foundation)

For more information on the 2018/19 Ravne3 excavations, please see the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun Geoarchaeological Summer Report; .

Stumbled across the Ravne4 tunnel and outlook for 2020
Most recently and completely by accident, in the winter of 2019, while maintenance and landscaping work was being carried out on the grounds of the Ravne Park Complex, foundation workers discovered a hole Another hole leads into the Ravne Tunnel Network. This opening resulted in many tunnels that were not blocked by material and was the closest tunnel segment to the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun.

Top left; A small window of opportunity is being opened to get into Ravne4. Top right; The first chamber leads to several passages, one of which is clear of obstructions. Bottom left; A plaster wall is identified, marking a filled passageway behind it. In the lower right corner; An open passage leads to a small room. (Richard Hoyle / Bosnia’s Sun Pyramid Foundation)

The discovery of the Ravne4 Tunnel has helped salvage excavations towards the Pyramid of the Sun for several years and is therefore now the excavation priority of the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun Foundation for 2020. Initial exploration work has barely begun at this newly identified site. So far, many branching passages, rooms and drywall have been observed inside the Ravne4 Tunnel, with some of the passages pointing south, towards the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun, the great pyramid oldest and oldest in the world.

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