Unveiling the Secrets of the Bolinao Skull: A Journey into Ancient Human History

In the world of modern archeology, the Bolinao Skull is a fascinating discovery, filled with mystery and absolute uniqueness. This mysterious human skull, discovered in the idyllic coastal town of Bolinao in the Philippines, has the potential to shed insights into the lives of early modern Filipino indigenous people, their migration patterns and their entire cultural development. Let’s dig deeper into the story behind the Bolinao Skull, piecing together the fragments of the past that can unravel its unquestionable importance in modern archaeology.

Unearthing the mysterious Bolinao skull
The Bolinao skull caught the attention of the scientific community when it was discovered during an archaeological dig led by the National Museum of the Philippines. This unique skull was found at the Balingasay site, along with 67 other skulls, as well as pottery dating from the early Ming Dynasty in China, around the 15th century AD. Combined with these findings and extensive research, scientists dated the skull to between the 14th and 15th centuries AD. But what makes it unique?

The terrifying Bolinao skull is just one of 67 skulls found from the Balingasay Archaeological Site in Bolinao, Pangasinan. They were found with some ceramics of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). (National Museum of the Philippines)

The secret lies in the sophisticated way of decorating teeth with gold. Countless golden spots adorn the teeth of the skull, creating a beautiful pattern that resembles fish scales. The dental decorations are approximately 10 mm wide and approximately 11.5 mm high.

Author Campo Abeth writes that “yellow scales were observed located on the buccal surfaces of the upper and lower incisors and canines. ” Together, they create a beautiful performance.

Scientists are fascinated by this incredible decoration, which must have required a lot of skill to create and can be painful for the recipient. On closer inspection, the teeth were found to have been drilled, then filled with gold plates, plugs, pins or wires. As a result, each type of gold ornament has a unique appearance. Needless to say, the wearer may have a beautiful smile, but the process must have been extremely painful.

At that time, having teeth filed and plated with gold was fashionable and prestigious. Early Philippine traditions included dental correction as a form of personal decoration and styling (Philippine Story)

The Bolinao skull has provided valuable insights into the culture of the indigenous tribes of Bolinao and the entire Pangasinan region where it is located. Its discovery provides convincing evidence of the region’s cultural development in the Middle Ages, before the formation of the modern Philippines. However, it is important to note that gold dental work is not uncommon in this part of the world. Before Christianity came to the Philippines, decorating teeth with gold was a common custom and considered a symbol of prestige and beauty. In ancient times, when gold was not yet forged, people dyed their teeth with various roots and plants, giving them different colors. However, over the centuries, gold has become more and more sought after, symbolizing power and wealth.

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Unique culture of the indigenous people of Luzon
And, through the annals of early explorers in the Philippines, we know that famous leaders proudly wore teeth decorated with gold. Antonio Pigafetta, chronicler of the Magellanic expedition of 1521, who was surprised by the amount of gold jewelry worn by the natives of the region, wrote that one chief “had three spots of gold on each teeth” and when he smiled or spoke. , “his teeth looked as if they were covered in gold.”

Boxer Codex representations of the two pre-colonial Philippines. Public Domain ) and Pintados of the Visayas (Leyte or Samar). (Public domain)

So we know that it was a common and widespread practice in the pre-Christian Philippines, unique to the various tribes that lived there. However, with the arrival of European colonists and the spread of Christianity, this practice quickly declined until it fell into oblivion.

The discovery of the Bolinao Skull, and 67 other skulls also decorated with gold teeth, is a reminder of the almost forgotten history of the Philippines’ indigenous people. Through extensive anthropological research, it has become clear that many tribes, especially those living on Luzon – the largest island of the Philippines – consider tooth decoration an important practice. The famous American anthropologist Fay-Cooper Cole documented many of these tribes, talking about how they dyed their teeth with various plants.

Truly golden smile
In many ways, research on the Bolinao Skull goes beyond its physical features and extends into the realm of cultural practices and beliefs of the region’s indigenous people. Analysis of the burial context surrounding this find reveals fascinating burial customs common during the Middle Ages. Similarly, the presence of Ming Dynasty commercial ceramics also indicates well-developed trade relations in the region.

All of this makes the Bolinao Skull an exceptional archaeological discovery. Its value to the people of Luzon and the Philippines in general is undeniable. Today, the skull can be seen on display at the Pang-ulo Exhibition, 4th floor, National Museum of Anthropology, Manila.

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