5 treasure discoveries in Indonesia shocked the world

The discovery of treasure from shipwrecks is not only found abroad. Many people in Indonesia have also succeeded in finding this historical treasure.

In fact, the discovery of this treasure shocked the people of the islands and the world because it contained gold, money and jewelry.

One of the treasures found in Wonoboyo village, Jogonalan district, Klaten Regency, Central Java.

The treasure found is not only gold and jewelry but also other highly valuable items such as artifacts.

The following is a list of treasure discoveries in shipwrecks in Indonesia:

1. Treasure found after the Aceh tsunami

This treasure was discovered by a woman named Fatimah. At the time, he was scouring the swamps for oysters in Gamping Pande village, Aceh. This treasure was found in the form of a box covered with coral and barnacles.

This box suddenly opened when Fatimah touched the water to get an oyster. Fatimah was shocked because the box containing gold coins with Arabic letters fell over.

The coin is estimated to date from 1200 to 1600 AD. This treasure was discovered near the ancient tomb of a 13th century king, who was found to have survived the devastating tsunami in Aceh in 2004. Before the tsunami, locals did not dare disturb the tomb This is because the soul of the deceased ruler will be angry.

2. The Prophet’s sacred treasure was found in the Port of Cirebon

The second shipwreck treasure is located in Cirebon, West Java. This treasure is called the Sacred Prophet. On a ship 80 miles from the port of Cirebon, a large gem belonging to the Fatimid dynasty was found.

The Fatimid dynasty claims to be descendants of the prophet Muhammad. This Indonesian shipwreck treasure was found in a 10th-century shipwreck 56 meters below sea level.

The ship was discovered in April 2004 and October 2005. The diving team made 22,000 trips to be able to transport this cargo of 270,000 objects.

Objects found therein include crystal, precious stones, Chinese porcelain, ceramics, gold and pearls. It is estimated that the treasure of the Cirebon shipwreck has existed for about 1,000 years.

3. Treasure in the shipwreck was found on Belitung island

Treasure worth millions of dollars was found off the coast of Belitung island. This treasure came from a galleon that sank while sailing from Africa to China around 830 AD.

This ship sank 1.6 km off the coast of Belitung island. The director of a German concrete company named Tilman Walterfang was involved in this discovery.

He dived to the bottom of the sea. A total of 60,000 artifacts were found by the Walterfang team on the seabed. The objects found include gold and silver cups and plates dating back 1,200 years.

Shanghai, Singapore and Doha are competing to buy it because this treasure has a long history.

4. Discover gold jewelry in Klaten

Tens of kilograms of gold jewelry were dug into 3 meters of sandy soil by 6 people to bury. Initially, they found the vase lying in sandy soil about 3 meters deep.

This discovery occurred in 1990 in Wonoboyo village, Jogonalan district, Klaten. There are four jars found by residents containing gold, silver jewelry, necklaces, bowls, coin bags, etc., which throughout history have become masterpieces and the greatest discoveries.

This treasure is believed to be a relic of the ancient Mataram Kingdom between the 8th and 9th centuries AD. The government also guaranteed the safety of these artifacts and offered rewards and financial compensation to the finders.

5. Tek Sing ship treasure

The discovery of this treasure caused a dispute between the Indonesian government and treasure hunter Michael Hatcher in 2010. The treasure from the Tek Sing shipwreck is worth trillions of rupiah and is currently in the Museum. National Museum.

The ship Tek Sing from China sank in the waters of Bangka Belitung in 1822. This 1,000-ton ship with dimensions of 50×10 meters is also known as the “Titanic of the 19th century”.

The story of this shipwreck was later heard by Michael Hatcher, who then went hunting for shipwreck treasure in Indonesia. Hatcher found various valuable items such as brassware, pocket watches, money, pottery, and more.

All the treasures he found are scheduled to be auctioned at Nagel Auction House in Stuttgart, Germany. However, the theft of Tek Sing Ship’s treasure was discovered by the Indonesian government and immediately resolved this problem.

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