A 1,700-year-old “ghost ship” appeared near the coast, filled with treasure ​

Treasure from two ghost ships recently excavated by the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) includes many exquisite and rare jewelry and hundreds of ancient coins of unimaginable value.
The IAA said they were located in shallow water not far from the coast of Caesarea, still with their cargo intact even though the shipwreck’s hull was scattered across a sizable area after centuries of being buffeted by the sea.

Ancient gold ring with exquisitely carved gem, after many centuries has become a huge treasure – Photo: IAA

One of the two ghost ships is 1,700 years old, the other is about 600 years old, but probably sank in the same situation: while anchored, it was sunk by a storm. They lurk in a shallow sea, only about 4 meters below the surface.

The ancient coins are exceptionally intact and especially valuable – Photo: IAA

According to Ancient Origins, from these two ghost ship wrecks, scientists have recovered many valuable antiques. The most precious item is an octagonal gold ring with a large blue-green gemstone, engraved with the image of a “good shepherd” with stunning sophistication. Another ring is set with a red gemstone carved in the shape of a lyre.

They also found a lot of jewelry and other decorative objects such as a bronze statue of an eagle, a statue of a Roman god wearing a mask, many bronze bells and ceramic vases, dozens of giant bronze nails, and parts of the pump, iron anchor.

The pure gold ring still looks brand new when it was first excavated – Photo: IAA

In addition, the wrecks also scattered many ancient coins of many different dates.

Dating from 600-1,700 years old, the above artifacts are huge treasures, with both collectible value and archaeological value. Even in their time, they were extremely valuable objects.

The entire treasure and remaining parts of the two ghost ships are being continued to be collected and researched by the IAA.

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